Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts

Friday 3 May 2024

Putting away the childish things...then picking them up again

I threw away all of my poems,

from times and circumstances passed and past.

I threw away all of my poems,

for I thought those days could never last.

I threw away all of my poems,

I thought that it was the right thing to do.

Now I keep all of my poems

well written prose and corny clichés alike

Now I keep all of my poems

through them, to inner me

they shine a light.

- cocoaTea.poetry

composed 15.3.24

Friday 29 March 2024

Overwhelmed and going under

This thing lives in my chest

It stifles and strangles me, wheezing tight sips of blessed breath 

between gnashing teeth and a clench-locked jaw

I want to scream, I want to cry, I want to die

I want to say all the pretty words

I want to sing pretty melodies

with crafty, competent accompaniment

But this thing lives in my chest, rent free

No taxes, no overhead, no HOA no finders fee

Through tight thoughts and scrunched foreheads,

 throbbing veins and squinting eyes

I want to scream, I want to cry

This thing bubbling over 

 a roiling boil, yet it never rises to the top

Let the mercy of God keep me.

- cocoaTea.poetry

Friday 15 March 2024

Too much and not enough of this God


in light of His everything-ness 


He is too much, I am undone


by the providence and plan of a Divine One

To be colloquial,

I eh able nah

When I think about the vastness of my God

I exist, yet I am nothing, I weep for He is soo much.

- cocoaTea.poetry

composed 26.8. 2023

Friday 1 September 2023


Like the arrow of dawn piercing the unarmored  side of the night sky,

                                                So too has your Word, struck and pinned me.

                                                                            I am forever....

                                                        irrefutably, irredeemably, internally


                                                                    - cocoaTea.poetry

composed 26.8. 2023

Saturday 26 August 2023

Competent God

 God is so magnanimous with His magnificence, 

So ambidextrous with with His authority

He can both utterly humble you, while lifting you up!

- cocoaTea.poetry

composed 26.8. 2023

Friday 21 April 2023

Literally nothing is hidden

Fisherman, Shepherd

Sovereign and savior

Taking account of my every labor.

- cocoaTea.poetry

composed 1.7.2020

Friday 14 April 2023

In stages of infancy, least to greatest

In stages of infancy, least to greatest

Obedience must always be prompt

And never once be late.

- cocoaTea.poetry

composed 1.7.2020

Friday 7 April 2023

New days

New days

New walk

New sights set before me

New talk

New mind

Like a newborn baby

You’ll lead me

You’ll guide me

Set me on a new path

You’ll groom me

You’ll fix me

Mending my every part

- cocoaTea.poetry

Friday 24 March 2023


Light, oh how it dances and plays,

With every color and every ray,

It illuminates the world around,

And in its presence, all is found.

It brings warmth to the coldest nights,

And banishes darkness with its might,

It shines on every living thing,

And gives new life to everything.

Light fills our hearts with hope and joy,

And helps us see the world's employ,

It brightens up the dullest day,

And shows us how to find our way.

So let us cherish this gift of light,

And bask in its glow with all our might,

For in its radiance, we are blessed,

And with its guidance, we are impressed.


Friday 10 March 2023


Jesus, love divine and true,

From heaven above, sent for me and you.

He gave his life to show us the way,

And love that never fades away.

In grace and mercy, he bled and died,

For all our sins he was crucified.

But death could not keep him in the grave,

For on the third day, he rose to save.

With arms wide open, he welcomes all,

No matter how big or small.

His love is endless, his grace abounds,

In him, true joy and peace is found.

Oh Jesus, love beyond compare,

May we always know and declare,

Your love that never fails or ends,

And in your presence, our hearts mend.

A Shifting Tide

A Shifting Tide The world, a canvas, ever-changing hue,  A masterpiece where landscapes come and go.  But in this dance of change, my heart ...