Friday 31 March 2023

Awesome Wonder

There once was a deity named God

Whose powers left all people awed

With a flick of the wrist

He created the midst

And all of the creatures abroad.

- cocoaTea.poetry

Friday 24 March 2023


Light, oh how it dances and plays,

With every color and every ray,

It illuminates the world around,

And in its presence, all is found.

It brings warmth to the coldest nights,

And banishes darkness with its might,

It shines on every living thing,

And gives new life to everything.

Light fills our hearts with hope and joy,

And helps us see the world's employ,

It brightens up the dullest day,

And shows us how to find our way.

So let us cherish this gift of light,

And bask in its glow with all our might,

For in its radiance, we are blessed,

And with its guidance, we are impressed.


Friday 17 March 2023


 Light dances through the window panes,

Its warm embrace fills up the space,

It lifts our spirits, brings us hope,

A symbol of life and boundless scope.


Friday 10 March 2023


Jesus, love divine and true,

From heaven above, sent for me and you.

He gave his life to show us the way,

And love that never fades away.

In grace and mercy, he bled and died,

For all our sins he was crucified.

But death could not keep him in the grave,

For on the third day, he rose to save.

With arms wide open, he welcomes all,

No matter how big or small.

His love is endless, his grace abounds,

In him, true joy and peace is found.

Oh Jesus, love beyond compare,

May we always know and declare,

Your love that never fails or ends,

And in your presence, our hearts mend.

A Shifting Tide

A Shifting Tide The world, a canvas, ever-changing hue,  A masterpiece where landscapes come and go.  But in this dance of change, my heart ...